Aescripts ScaleUp 1.4.0是高级视频增强工具,它可以将视频放大多达10倍,而图像质量损失最小。借助AI技术,ScaleUp工具不仅可以放大您的镜头,而且可以提高视频质量。它可以在保留细节的同时提高图像分辨率。为了放大图像,而不是使用传统的双线性/双三次方法对像素进行插值,而是使用智能AI技术通过神经网络来研究和分析大量图像和剪辑的像素,从而改善了图像质量并减少了噪点,甚至压缩视频中的块效应。

ScaleUp is an advanced video enhancing tool, it can enlarge videos by up to 10x with minimal image quality loss.With the AI-powered technology, ScaleUp tool can not only upscale your footage but also enhance the video quality. It can increase the image resolution while preserving the details.To enlarge the image, instead of interpolating the pixels using the traditional bilinear / bicubic methods, intelligent AI technology is used to study and analyze the pixels of large amount of images and clips using neural network to improve the image quality, and reduce the noises, even the block effects in the compressed video.Moreover, ScaleUp plugin is GPU accelerated for Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro, and available for Mac and Windows.

1.4.0(当前版本)- 2022 年 6 月 25 日
– 更好地处理平铺边界
– 更新许可框架

After Effects 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018
Premiere 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018



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